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Dragon Simulator 3D

(353 783 ääniä)
marraskuu 2019
Viimeksi päivitetty:
toukokuu 2023
HTML5 (Unity WebGL)
Browser (desktop-only), App Store(iOS, Android)

Dragon Simulator 3D is an action 3D animal simulator game in the same series as Tiger Simulator and Racoon Simulator. In this game, you control a mighty dragon. Perform tasks and showcase your power to humans!

How to Play Dragon Simulator 3D

Begin your adventure by selecting your dragon's name, color, and elemental affinity. Your dragon can wield the powers of nature, fire, ice, or air. Each affinity grants incredible moves and abilities. Once you have customized your legendary beast, dive into this dragon game.

Complete Tasks and Strengthen Your Skills

Explore the vast open world and journey with your dragon. The flying mechanics are easy to master, and the game boasts stunning visuals. Interact with humans and other creatures, and fulfill quests to earn rewards. Beware, if you provoke humans, they will retaliate with arrows and other weapons!

Engage in the dragon simulator's multiplayer mode to battle against other players in PVP encounters. You'll need exceptional flying skills to outmaneuver and emerge victorious in combat. This is an outstanding free online game and another incredible title from CyberGoldfinch.

Dragon Simulator 3D emerged victorious in the CrazyGames 2019 developer contest! Three judges were impressed by the game's phenomenal graphics, sophisticated gameplay, and clever level design.

More Games Like This

Having mastered your creature and thirsting for more power? Explore our casual games category, featuring entertaining animal-themed titles like Pou, where you nurture your digital pet until it becomes formidable, or Good Doggo, where you digitally train your puppy.

Release Date

November 2019


Dragon Simulator 3D was developed by CyberGoldfinch.


  • Web Browser
  • Android
  • iOS

Viimeksi päivitetty

15. toukok. 2023


  • W, A, S, D tai nuolinäppäimet liikkumiseen
  • Q lentoon lähtöön/laskeutumiseen
  • Välilyönti hyppäämiseen/ylöspäin lentämiseen
  • C alaspäin lentämiseen
  • Hiiren vasen painike pitkän kantaman iskuun
  • Hiiren oikea painike lähikantaman iskuun
  • H käyttöliittymän piilottamiseen
  • Shift kiihdyttämiseen
  • L kursorin lukittamiseen/lukituksen poistoon
